35 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dana perimbangan dan kemandirian keuangan daerah terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat pada Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu metode dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dari website direktorat jendral perimbangan keuangan (DJPK) berupa laporan realisasi APBD dan badan pusat statistik berupa laporan indeks pembangunan manusia tahun 2011-2014. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat sebanyak 27 Populasi dan 26 Sampel. Pengujian hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi multipel. Kesimpulan penelitian menyatakan bahwa dana perimbangan berpengaruh positif terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan kemandirian keuangan daerah berpengaruh positif terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. ;---- The purpose of this research is to find the effect of balance fund and regional financial independence to society welfare in regions and cities in west java province. The method in this research used the verificative descriptive and documentation for collecting data. The data were obtained from secondary sources from the website directorate general of financial balance (DJPK) in the form of APBD realization report and human development index report from the central bereau of statistics (BPS). The population in this research is regions and cities in west java up to 27. And the samples up to 26. The hypothesis test used the multiple regression method. The result of research in a partially test balance fund have positive effect to society welfare, and regional financial independence have positive effect to society welfare

    Exploring students’ reading fluency through Whole-Class Choral Reading (WCCR) strategy in online learning class : A case study in the 8 grade Junior High School 2 students of South Cikarang

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    The aims of this study: (1) To investigate the implementation of WCCR strategy in engaging students’ reading activities in online learning class, (2) To know the students’ reading fluency using the WCCR strategy in Online Learning Class, (3) To describe the students’ responses toward the use of WCCR strategy in Online Learning Class. The researcher used a qualitative method with a case study that involved 8 grade of Junior High School 2 South Cikarang in the academic year of 2020. The participants consist of nine students who were selected with a purposeful sampling technique. This study was used in online learning classes especially the Zoom meeting. The data collecting techniques were gained by observation, test, and questionnaire. It presented the result of this research that the implementation of WCCR strategy in engaging students’ activity in an online learning class was successfully implemented by the indicators. It conducted 3 meetings observation. Moreover, it presented the result from the test to give improvement for the students reading fluency with an excellent category using the WCCR strategy. Finally, the students’ responses through the WCCR strategy in an online learning class were given a positive response. The students said that the WCCR strategy was a useful strategy to improve their fluency. In conclusion, this research presented that Exploring students’ reading fluency through the Whole-Class Choral Reading (WCCR) strategy in an online learning class has a positive impact on increasing students’ reading fluency. Keywords: Whole-Class Choral Reading, Reading Fluency, Respond

    Inventory Management Under Uncertainty Condition with Fuzzy Logic: A Literature Review

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    Fuzzy set theory, or fuzzy logic, has been in use in inventory systems since the 1980s, with vaguely defined, ill-defined, or imprecise values, or decisions based on individual subjective beliefs. Provides a framework for describing the parameters that can be passed. There are many uncertainties in inventory management that can arise due to many things, such as: Order Changes, Random Supplier Capabilities, or Unexpected Events. Fuzzy logic as a method of inventory control that provides a framework by considering parameters that are vague or poorly defined, or whose values are imprecise and determined based on individual subjective beliefs make it available. The purpose of this white paper is to review previous studies using fuzzy logic in inventory management to see the uncertainty variables used. The method used is a thematic analysis of articles on the application of fuzzy logic in various industries. The results of the review show that variables like fuzzy logic make it easy to obtain results from uncertainty variables that can be applied to industrial activities to enable manufacturing activities to be carried out effectively and efficiently increase

    Kemampuan Menulis Anak Kelompok B Di PAUD Se-Gugus Anyelir Kota Bengkulu

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis anak kelompok B di PAUD Se- Gugus Anyelir Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuatitatif deskriptif. Populasi meliputi anak kelompok B Se-gugus Anyelir Kota Bengkulu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan dengan teknik purposive random sampling jumlah sampel sebanyak 40. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan menulis anak kelompok B di PAUD Se-gugus Anyelir Kota Bengkulu dalam kategori baik. Pada aspek kemampuan menulis acak berada pada kategori baik. Pada aspek kemampuan menulis tulisan nama pada ketegori sangat baik, dan pada aspek kemampuan menulis kalimat pendek pada ketegori baik

    Perkembangan Angklung Sered Balandongan di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tahun 1995-2017

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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul “Perkembangan Angklung Sered Balandongan di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tahun 1995-2017”. Penulisan skripsi ini berasal dari keresahan dan kekhawatiran penulis terhadap kesenian Angklung Sered Balandongan yang sampai saat ini belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Bahkan sempat padam sebelum pada akhirnya mulai ada penelitian oleh seniman yang kemudian dikembangkan di ranah pendidikan. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan karena belum banyak yang mengkaji mengenai sejarah perkembangan kesenian tersebut. Penelitian ini secara garis besar menjawab pertanyaan “Bagaimana Perkembangan Pembudayaan Angklung Sered Balandongan Tahun 1995-2017”. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode historis yang terdiri dari pengumpulan sumber, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi. Untuk mempermudah analisis, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosiologi dan antropologi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kesenian Angklung Sered Balandongan merupakan kesenian yang telah lama ada di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya yaitu sekitar tahun 1908 pada zaman kolonial Belanda. Kesenian tersebut terus mengalami perubahan fungsi mulai berfungsi sebagai kode peringatan, adu kekuatan, lambang dan alat perjuangan, hingga saat ini berfungsi sebagai media hiburan. Selain itu berkat seniman kesenian tersebut mulai merambah ke dunia pendidikan yaitu dengan diadakannya ekstrakulikuler Angklung Sered Balandongan dibeberapa sekolah yaitu di MAN Cipasung, SMAN 1 Singaparna, SDN 2 Cintaraja, dan SDN Balandongan. Dalam hal pertunjukan semuanya terdapat ciri khas yang berbeda. Pengaruh globalisasi menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan menurunnya minat masyarakat terhadap kesenian tradisional. Menanggapi hal tersebut, pemerintah maupun seniman melakukan beberapa upaya untuk mempertahankan kesenian Angklung Sered Balandongan. Skripsi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi penelitian berikutnya, sehingga dapat menghadirkan fakta-fakta baru yang belum terungkap dari penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Angklung Sered Balandongan, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, dan Kesenian Tradisiona

    Community-Based Empowerment: Semi-Systematic Literature Review (SSLR)

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    The purpose of this study was to synthesize research results with the topic of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia using the Scopus database. The method used is a semi-systematic literature review (SSLR). Semi-systematic analysis shows that there are two main themes, namely the identification of scientific journals that contain articles on the topic of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia and the phenomenon of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia from previous studies. The findings in this study are publications on the topic of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia, the phenomenon of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia still can be explored more deeply considering the surge in articles related to this topic in 2020; Community empowerment is one of the strategies to reduce poverty in Indonesia. As a coping strategy, community empowerment is also provided with related regulations. The National Program for Independent Community Empowerment, empowerment of microfinance institutions (LKM), and micro-credit schemes and tourist villages are examples of the application of the concept of community empowerment in Indonesia, but the application still requires some improvements, for example by considering social capital such as local institutions, local wisdom Local customs, norms, and customs as an effort to apply the concept of community empowerment are getting closer to the main goal, namely reducing poverty and improving community welfare


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    Industri batik saat ini berkembang sangat pesat. Perekembangan industry batik tersebut membawa dampak positif dalam membantu menggerakkan perekonomian indisnesia melalui sektor UMKM pengrajin batik arena hamper setiap daerah memiliki batik khas masing-masing. Selain itu, perkembangan industry batik juga berdampak negative terutama bagi lingkungan karena salah satu bahan pendukung proses pembuatan batik adalah zat warna. Zat warna yang banyak digunakan saat ini adalah pewarna sintetis sehingga berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Pengetahuan pengolahan limbah batik bagi UMKM pengrajin batik juga masih rendah sehingga berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan. Kondisi ini melatarbelakangi rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian untuk komunitas UMKM Erisa Batik. Metode kegiatan berupa pemberian modul pelatihan, pemaparan materi, sesi tanya jawab. Materi yang dibahas dalam program pengabdian ini antara lain tentang metode dan alat pengolahan limbah batik serta pewarna alami yang dapat menjadi alternatif pewarna batik yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Hasil yang dapat dilihat dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan atau pengetahuan peserta mengenai metode dan alat pengolahan limbah batik serta proses pembuatan batik dengan pewarna alami.   Kata kunci : Batik ; Erisa Batik ; Fenton Heterogen ; Pengolahan Limbah ; Pewarna Alami &nbsp


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    This research is motivated by the low reading interest seen by the few students who visited the library during their free time, whereas high reading interest plays an important role in gaining reading skills. This study aims to describe the factors that influence students 'reading interest and to describe the factors that most influence students' reading interest. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. This research was conducted in SDN 125 Pekanbaru. The population in this study were all high-class students namely class IV, V and VI, which amounted to 148 students. The sample used in this study is a saturated sample, namely sampling techniques if all members of the population are sampled. So the sample in this study was all members of the population, amounting to 148 students, Based on the results of the study, it was found that the factors that affect students' interest in reading consisted of family environment factors, curriculum and school education factors that were not conducive, community infrastructure factors that did not support the increase in public reading interest and the existence and affordability of reading material. The results of the study of four factors that influence interest in reading can be concluded that the factors that most influence students' reading interest SDN 125 Pekanbaru namely the curriculum and school education factors that are not conducive which is equal to 35.474%

    Sociopreneurship and Philanthropy during Pandemic COVID-19: A Matchmaker Idea

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    The current economic situation is dire because of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has increased unemployment, reduced income, and reduced people's well-being. Many social issues become homework that necessitates real-world solutions. The 1.12 million increases in the number of poor people in 2021 is a clear indication of the need for steps to address social needs that are not being met by the private sector or the government. This study aims to conduct a literature review on the concept of sociopreneurship in general, as well as to investigate the role of sociopreneurship and Philanthropy in mitigating the effects of the Pandemic's economic downturn. Sociopreneurship, which places priority on social advantages without compromise on material gains and philanthropy, has more positive impacts than if the two were to take place separately. The findings show that sociopreneurship is a type of entrepreneurial initiative that can be developed with the primary goal of assisting the community, and that philanthropy plays an important role in supplementing government programs by providing community contributions and solidarity aimed at reviving economic activity